Andrea Bocelli will be performing at Teatro del Silenzio

After his fascinating performance last year, the 12th edition of Teatro del Silenzio will host Andrea Bocelli, who will be performing  in Lajatico (PI). The concert will be on August 3rd, 2017.
The contents of the concert will be communicated in the next weeks.
For the second time it will be available to experience and listen to Bocelli’s voice in his homeland, where he was born and raised up. He will be accompanied by a symphonic orchestra, a choir and an international artistic cast.

Tickets are available here.
The program can change, so we suggest to refer to official websites and communications spread by the organizers.


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Teatro del Silenzio

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Teatro del Silenzio 43.469697, 10.738070 Vedi PaginaTeatro del Silenzio, Lajatico, PI, Italia (Directions)