Villa Medicea

Villa Medicea

Villa is situated in the ancient zone of the village, It was built in 1600th century in the ruins of an ancient fortezza.

The factory in Cascine di Buti had a tower on the top of the Castle of Buti. The house was under management to administrators granducali. In the 1637th century the Church of Saint Rocco was built in place of tower.

In 1706th century the Berti succeeded in purchasing it.  A son of family Berti sold that mansion to Santi Banti in 1767th century, It’s became Villa Delizia.

The family Danielli and Spigai bought the mansion.

It was to the center of the suburb of Buti, It included Villa, the church, the garden, the stables and an vegetable garden.

With a restructuring in 18th century it was revalidated the entire architectural, facendole assumere la tipologia del palazzo cittadino inserito urbanisticamente.

It is structured on four floor: basement, ground floor, first floor, attics.


Today the Villa is preserved by Belle Arti, you can visit it on appointment.